If you decide to complain about the goods purchased from us, contact us by phone +420 608 956 190 or by email reklamace@technolife.cz (it is necessary to state your name, invoice number and the name of the claimed goods). We will agree on the next step with you.
The customer is obliged to report the complaint immediately after finding a defect in the goods and after receiving instructions from us on the part of the claimed goods to us immediately, if the sending of the claimed goods is required.
Complaints procedure for returning goods
Tovar neposielajte na dobierku (vyúčtovanie v prípade vrátenia peňazí za tovar vykonáva dodávateľ).
Always send returned / claimed goods to the address:
Techno Life s.r.o.
Na Máchovně 1610,
266 01 Beroun,
Česká republika
Thank you for your interest.